Caring For the Emotional Needs of the Dying

The full scope of care for someone who is dying would be incomplete without caring for one’s emotional needs. Some who are nearing the end of their lives may become confused, anxious, or even depressed. These feelings should never be discounted as side effects of the dying process but should be treated with the same level of diligence as anyone else experiencing such feelings.
Seeking Assistance
While you as a loved one may be able to provide some relief by your presence and communication with the dying person, there may be times where a professional counselor may be necessary. These specialists can help the dying ease their anxieties and even depression. If the assistance of a mental health professional doesn’t prove to be as effective, certain calming medications can be administered.
The Need to Remain Present
It can be hard to remain close to someone throughout their dying process. Even if someone is dear to you, it can feel too painful to experience with them. This is not uncommon. Even medical professionals have been known to withdraw from dying patients whom they were unable to completely treat. It’s important to remember just how much of a calming influence you can have during their last days. Rubbing their hands or feet, massaging their shoulders, talking with them about good times, or even just being with them are all immensely helpful. Always talk to them and never about them in their presence. Even if the dying person is unconscious, some medical professionals are of the opinion that there is a likelihood that the person can still hear you.
If you would like to know more about the palliative and hospice care professionals in Tulsa, OK, you’re invited to learn more about and connect with Cura HPC.