The Role of Hospice Social Workers

As we’ve discussed before, hospice care is provided by an interdisciplinary team consisting of a medical director, nurses, aides, volunteers, chaplains, and social workers. Today we’ll be taking a closer look at the role of the social worker. Most people either have no idea what a hospice social worker does, or they have negative connotations associated with the term.
The truth is, a good social worker will be your best friend when your loved one is in hospice care. Social workers are intended to be your main point of contact for anything you need during this time. As most people have never experienced hospice care, having someone who can educate you about the mechanics of the hospice benefit, assist in creating advanced health care directives, make funeral arrangements, and provide emotional support will be incredibly helpful.
If there’s ever a question the social worker can’t answer, they’ll be able to get you in touch with someone who can answer your questions. One of the biggest roles the social worker will play is filling in any gaps you or your family needs. If you ever have any problems and don’t know where to go or who to ask, the social worker is a great place to start.
At Cura-HPC, our social workers are dedicated to helping our patients and their families in whatever way they can. They are a vital part of our team and we greatly appreciate the work they do. If you have any questions about social workers, the hospice team, or just about hospice in general, please don’t hesitate to call one of our transition specialists.